General Internet Attitude Scale

The purpose of this study is to investigate attitudes and confidence people have with the Internet. There are a few questions about you and your activities on the Internet at the start and then most of it is questions asking you for your opinions. There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers.

Your participation in the study is completely voluntary. If you feel at any time that you would no longer like to continue, please simply just close the window. All the data is kept anonymously and we do not save anything that can be used to identify you as a person.

It should not take you more than 4 minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your help and contribution is much appreciated.

Please enter your GIAS password:

What is your gender?  Female
 Prefer not to say
What is your occupational status?  Employed
 Prefer not to say
How old are you?  less than 18 years
 18-24 years
 25-34 years
 35-44 years
 45-54 years
 55-64 years
 65 years or older
 Prefer not to say
How often do you use the internet?  Never
 Very often
What do you use the internet for (select as many as apply)  Social networking/ personal involvement
 Obtaining information
 Entertainment/ media
 Shopping/ buying and selling
 Booking events/ trips
 Financial services/ online banking
 Blogging/ contributing to websites/ discussion boards
 Learning/ education & training

The following statements ask for your opinions about the Internet.
Please remember, there are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers.

Questions 1 - 11 of 21 Strongly Disagree Slightly Disagree No Opinion Slightly Agree Agree
The Internet makes a positive contribution towards society.
The Internet makes me feel anxious.
Using the Internet can cause health problems.
The Internet makes life more efficient.
I feel overwhelmed by the Internet.
The idea of going on the Internet gives me a thrill.
The Internet does not threaten me.
I would like to stay on the Internet for as long as I can.
The Internet makes me feel uncomfortable.
The use of the Internet is enhancing our standard of living.
The Internet makes me feel annoyed.
Questions 12 - 21 of 21 Strongly Disagree Slightly Disagree No Opinion Slightly Agree Agree
The Internet is dehumanising to society.
The Internet makes a great contribution to human life.
I feel bewildered by the Internet.
Using the Internet is harmful to people.
I feel intimidated by the Internet.
The thought of going on the Internet is exciting to me.
The Internet is bringing us into a bright new era.
I feel disheartened at the thought of using the Internet.
I feel at ease using the Internet.
The Internet is responsible for many of the good things we enjoy.

I understand that by pressing the send button below, I give the researcher permission to collect my survey responses. I have read and understood the above information on the purpose of the study, the confidentiality of the data, the freedom to withdraw from the study, and I agree to participate.